Assessment & Consulting

Assessment, Consulting and Engineering Experiences


ISCN has been formed originally based on research results from TU Graz (1994) and most experts of the company are still lecturing at the universities, are participating in actual leading research projects, and are supporting in series development projects in automotive. The experts are either 90% industry and 10% lecturing, or if they are still fully working at the university they are from applied research.
This way ISCN cooperates with
  • University of Technology Graz, Austria (cooperation agreement with life long learning, and science group at ITI)
  • University of Applied Sciences Joenneum, Graz Austria (lecturing at FH Joanneum)
  • Grenoble Institute of Technology, France (assistant professor)
  • VSB Technoical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic (cooperation agreement with university)

Experts in ISCN have a research profile with knowledgeable h-index and i10-index, e.g.

Dr Richard Messnarz, Dr Andeas Riel, Dipl. Ing. Damjan Ekert, Dr Georg Macher, etc. and work in automotive research projects.

Real Practical Knowledge in Automotive

All experts working in ISCN teams have technical background and are not from any other non-automotive study.

Dr Richard Messnarz, studied Technical Mathematics and Informatics, PhD at TU Graz

Dr Georg Macher, studied Telematics/Informatics, PhD at TU Graz (TU Graz Team)

Dr Andreas Riel, studied Telematics/Informatics, PhD at TU GRaz (ISCN group)

Dipl. Ing. Damjan Ekert, studied Telematics/Informatics at TU GRaz

Dipl. Bernhard Steger, studied Informatics at ETH Zürich, Switzerland (ISCN group)

Dr Jakub Stolfa, studied informatics, PhD at TU Ostrava (ISCN group)

Dr Svatopluk Stolfa, studied informatics, PhD at TU Ostrava (ISCN group)

Dipl. Ing. Jürgen Dobaj, studied informatics, TU Graz

and in Design

MA Laura Aschbacher, studied Information Design and Media Design at University of Applied Siences Joanneum, Graz

Toboias Zehetner, professional SW developer, technical school and partly studied physics and informatics

Access to Knowledge Base

ISCN has since 1994 organized the conference series EuroSPI (which from 2015 has also the additional extension EuroAsiaSPI) where SPI stands for System, Software, Services, Safety, Security Process and Product Improvement, Innovation, and Infrastructure. This is supported by SPRINGER and journals, and SPRINGER online had so far 365000 (three hundred sixty five thousand) downloads.

ISCN is since 2003 moderator of the working party SOQRATES where leading suppliers, electronics companies and experts cooperate to define state of the art and best practices in Automotive SPICE, Functional Safety, and Cybersecurity and related fields (e.g. traceability).

Involve me - Spice me up - Consult me - Network me (Our Credo)

This credo is based on the above competences.

Involve me means that ISCN follows a strategy that we motivate and convince engineers to e.g. follow and use ASPICE because we are engineers and we can convince engineers with our practical approach.

Spice me up means that we can access a knowledge base of best practices which help to really achieve a higher SPICE level when working with our team.

Consult me means that we do not just place a person in your company but we rather elaborate a real working example together with your team and coach the team until your team has the capability ad also continues by themselves.

And Network me stands for the fact that we can connect you to real experience networks such as EuroSPI and SOQRATES.

Message - we empower your team and make YOUR improvement work:

Assessment Tool

ISCN experts use the Capability Adviser system for tea based ASPICE and safety and cybersecurity assessments. This advanced assessment system is used by large Tier 1 corporate wide and is also available as a version for assessors in smaller companies on a laptop and on a Raspberry PI.

Assessor Qualification

ISCN experts have all an ASPICE assessor and safety assessor qualification. We also have SQILs for VW group assessments, and we have a poo of principal and competent assessors. Also ISCN has instructors and can hod ASPICE courses.


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