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EU Project TIMMS Kick Off Meeting - ISO 56000 Innovation Management Standard based Assessment, 16.-17.5.2022

The importance of innovation on the survival and competitiveness of organizations is an undeniable fact.Therefore, it is relevant to help EU industry  with innovative behaviour and attitudes to achieve/keep their competitiveness and sustainability, resilience and ability to recover from crisis (such as COVID19). The EU Committee for Standardization(CEN) and iSO have developed an innovation Management(IM) set of Standards which support innovation management assessment, analysis and improvement. The idea is to empower processes of the ISO 56000 series like

IMS    Innovation Management System
IMS.1    Leadership
IMS.2    Planning (Risk Management)
IMS.3    Support
IMS.4    Operation
IMS.5    Performance Evaluation
IMS.6     Improvement
TaM    Tools and Methods for Innovation Partnerships
TaM.1    Innovation Partnership Framework
TaM.2    Entering an innovation partnership
TaM.3    Partner selection
TaM.4    Partner alignment
TaM.5    Interaction between partners
ASM    Assessment
ASM.1    Assessment Process
ASM.2    Prepare and Plan Assessment
ASM.3    Conduct Assessment
ASM.4    Conclude
ASM.5    "Use Assessment Results for Improvement
IPM    Intellectual Property Management
IPM.1    IPM Framework
IPM.2    IP Strategy
IPM.3    IP Management in Innovation Process
SIM    Strategic Intelligence Management
SIM.1    Fundamentals of SI
SIM.2    SI Cycle
SIM.3    Intelligence Communication
TIM    Tools & Methods for Idea Management
TIM.1    Preparing for Idea Management
TIM.2    People and Organisation
TIM.3    Idea Management Process and Activities
TIM.4    Evaluation

and in the project an ISO 330xx based assessment and self assessment method and tool is developed. The project will be included in the EuroSPI academy in future.

The partners are

Latvijas Kvalitates biedriba, Latvia, www.kvalb.lv, INSTITUTO DE SOLDADURA QUALIDADE, Portugal , www.isq.pt, I.S.C.N. GESMBH, Austria, www.iscn.com, SOLUCIONES TECNO PROFESIONALES CONSULTING, Spain, www.facebook.com/Stpeuropa/,  TOURNIS SYMVOULEFTIKI EE, Greece, www.thesigmanet.com, AGENTIA PENTRU DEZVOLTARE REGIONALASUD-MUNTENIA, Romania, www.adrmuntenia.ro, Deloris Mundo Limited, Nigeria, www.learningforafrica.com



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