EuroSPI Academy
In 2021 an EuroSPI academy has been formed which offers an online training platform to manage and perform courses, provide access to materials, and support online training. Also in onsite training this infrastructure is used. IT empowers training either in Covid times or in cases where teams are distributed across countries and need to attend a joined course. ISCN is a shareholer of the EuroSPI Certificates and Services GmbH and uses this platform.
Training Portfolio
ISCN is work package lead for the DRIVES (EU Blueprint for Automotive project) learn compass which conains MOOCs for the new job roles required by automotive industry.
ISCN manages the platform and is responsible for the courses related to functional safety, cybersecurity, ASPICE and automotive quality, electric powertrain engineer, and automotive engineer.
ISCN is a training provider for Automotive SPICE courses certified by the VDA-QMC (German Automotive Association- Quality Management Center). ISCN is an iNTACS certified training provider for assessor courses.
This includes
ISCN is a EuroSPI / ASA certified training body for a number of job roles (joint cooperation of EuroSPI GmbH (EuroSPI Certification & Services GmbH) and ASA (Automotive Skills Alliance). One of the most sold courses in the Automotive area is the Certified Functional Safety Manager, certified by EuroSPI / ASA. Companies like RENESAS, AVL, ZF, MAGNA, BOSCH AS, ELEKTROBIT, ZKW, etc. have attended the courses and the course is based on a joined development with leading Tier 1 companies in the Soqrates group ( such as ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Continental Automotive AG, Hella KG, etc. in an EU Project.
International Workshops - Training in Core Competencies
ISCN is coordinator of the EuroSPI and EuroAsiaSPI (European Systems, Software, Services Process and Product Improvement and Innovation) network and conference series since 1994. An international workshop series is organised annually with hot topics for industry. The workshops can also be booked as a one day training to meet leading industry and research and work on state of the art best practices.
- Emerging new Multidisciplinary Approaches to Software Engineering
- Digitilisation of Industry, Infrastructure, and E-Mobility
- Good and Bad Practices in Improvement
- Functional Safety and Cybersecurity
- Agile and Lean
- International Standards and Norms
- Team Skills, Accessability, and Diversity
- VR and AR Applications and Experiences
- Trends & Challenges in the Medical Device Industry
- Innovations - New Architectures, Business and Service Models
You can register here.
ISCN can provide trainers with the following languages: German, English, French, Czech, Slovene. Slides are usually in English. Some of the ECQA courses also offer slides in the above mentioned languages.
Registration and Booking of Courses
ISCN mainly organises inhouse courses in cooperation with industry and research. If inhouse courses are organised together with the SOQRATES partnership also places cab be booked for externals. For dates please sent an email to the below listed contacts.
Prices are as follows:
(1) iNTACS and VDA Certified Courses
11000 EUR for inhouse courses for provisional and competent asessor courses, for up to 15 attendees. Exams are managed by the VDA and VDA charges an extra exam fee of 450 EUR per person for provisional assessor exams and 550 EUR for comptenet assessor exams.
In case of open courses for the provisional or competenet assessor the price for each attendee is 2750 EUR, excluding the exam fee which is charged extra by the VDA.
4000 EUR for inhouse courses for the Automotive SPICE ® Compact Course, for up to 15 attendees. Courses are reported to the VDA and attendance certificates are provided.
4000 EUR for inhouse courses for the Introduction to the VDA Automotive SPICE ® Guidelines Course, for up to 15 attendees. Courses are reported to the VDA and attendance certificates are provided.
8000 EUR for inhouse courses for the ASPICE for Cybersecurity Course, for up to 15 attendees. Exams are managed by the VDA and VDA charges an extra exam fee of 450 EUR per person.
(2) EuroSPI Certified Courses
14000 EUR for inhouse courses for the EuroSPI/ASA Certified Functional Safety manager/Engineer course for up to 15 attendees. The exam and certificate is provided by the EuroSPI Certification & Services GmbH.
14000 EUR for inhouse courses for the EuroSPI Certified Automotive Quality Engineer Integrated (ASPICE, Functional Safety, and Six Sigma) course for up to 15 attendees. The exam and certificate is provided by the EuroSPI Certification & Services GmbH.
14000 EUR for inhouse courses for the EuroSPI/ASA Certified Cybersecurity Engineer course for up to 15 attendees. The exam and certificate is provided by the EuroSPI Certification & Services GmbH.
In case of open courses the price for each attendee is 2000 EUR per attendee.